Many of our readers understand the time and effort we put into running our blog and website, answering public and private questions, researching and writing about new topics, and we are so excited to expand on it!

If you like the work we do and feel we have helped you in some way, consider making a donation to our future projects. We believe the work that our bloggers are doing is important and has value, and we want to compensate them for their time spent researching, documenting, and writing.

Our team is looking forward to continuing to provide information and support to our amazing community.

We have many projects in the works, including expanding our webpage.

We give our heartfelt thanks to everyone who can support our work with a financial contribution.♥

Direct bank transfer

In case you dont want to use creditcard online, then you can transfer directly to our bank account:

IBAN:  FR84 3000 2042 5000 0007 9139 H92

Please send us an email afterwards, so we know who you are and can thank you properly: info@flamencobiennial.com

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Direct donation via Paypal.com

The most secure online payment system for many people knowledge.

((Direct donation via Paypal is for the moment under way)). You can easily use the Bank transfer from now. AND THANK YOU SO MUCH !!

Choose your preferred currency here:

Paypal ongoing… Please send us an email if needed: info@flamencobiennial.com or contact@danzamalaga.eu

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You probably have noticed that… most activities are free.
And you know..
We would love – to keep on going all the things, but it takes us time and effort to come up with new stuff, ideas, outloaded, pictures, articles or just general advice on Dance.
We’d like to do it much more than now, and better but we need to eat too…

Not that you need to have a bad conscience or anything for using the site without contributing, but those of you that can afford to donate to this site please do;-)

There are several ways you can support / donate to zappingdanse THANK YOU

Danza en la Universidad


Boletín Informativo de tirada gratuita, en dirección de artistas españoles de la danza. Profesionales del arte coreográfico de la primera línea de acción: Bailarines ‘exiliados’

Talleres Universidad :






Danza Malaga 2006

English/ French Version of others editions : Ici

And more Photos Ici

Exposiciones Fotografia